Newsletter "Proud of Our Park" April 2024

Navigating towards a new horizon,
This new edition of our internal newsletter continues the exciting growth story that has been unfolding at our park. As we leave behind the past year, which was filled with challenges and accomplishments, we look forward to the future ahead of us.
At Nigua Free Zone we have experienced remarkable growth over the past few months. This momentum is not only translated into numbers and statistics, but also in the strength and vitality that we perceive daily in the park. The dedication and collaboration of everyone who is part of this business community is a testament to the hard collective work that takes place on a daily basis.
On this occasion, we would like to share the bold and ambitious vision that our Board of Directors has outlined for us, in which it commits us not only to maintain, but also to exceed the expectations of growth and excellence that we have set for ourselves. This commitment is reflected in the active management and supervision that they carry out as an integral part of their portfolio.
Active oversight of the park is critical to ensure that we continue to navigate within an environment conducive to business development, innovation and progress. Our Board is dedicated to ensuring that each resident company has the support it needs to achieve its goals and aspirations. We are committed to creating an environment that fosters collaboration, efficiency and the well-being of everyone in our community.
This year, we look forward to not only consolidating past achievements, but also exploring new opportunities, forging strategic alliances and continuing to be a benchmark of excellence in the industry. The vision of Nigua Free Zone is that of a park that not only grows in terms of infrastructure and capacity, but also in the quality of life it offers to those who choose it as their place of work. We appreciate the trust and commitment of each one of you. The future is written with every decision, every investment and every step we take together. We are committed to creating an environment that is conducive to business development, innovation and progress.